Chawki Benchehida, PhD
Personal page of Chawki Benchehida
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Chawki Benchehida is a contractor assistant professor (ATER) of Computer Science at University of Nantes. He is part of the STR research team at the LS2N laboratory. His main research interests are in real-time systems, scheduling algorithms applied to networks and manycore architectures.
He was a PhD student doing a co-agreement thesis at University of Lille and University of Oran 1 within CRIStAL laboratory and Lapeci laboratory respectively. He was supervised by Pr. Giuseppe Lipari, Pr. Kamel Benhaoua and Dr. Houssam Zahaf. He defended his PhD in November 09, 2021. Earlier, he received his Master's degree from University of Oran 1, Algeria in 2017 in Distributed Systems.
Contact information
- Mail: firstname.lastname [at]
- Tel: (+33)(0) 7 53 91 63 67
- Office 1 (Teaching):
- Room F1/08 IUT de Nantes, 2 Avenue du Professeur Jean Rouxel, 44475 Carquefou, France
- Office 2 (Research):
- Batiment S, Room 5.08, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, 1 Rue de la Noë, 44300 Nantes, France
Current professional status
- Assistant Prof. (ATER) at IUT de Nantes
- PhD: "Mapping Hard real-time tasks on Network-on-Chip manycore architecures" (Dissertation/Slides).
List of publications
- Chawki Benchehida, Mohammed Kamel Benhaoua, Houssam-Eddine ZAHAF, Giuseppe Lipari. Memory-Processor co-scheduling for Real-time Tasks on Network-on-chip manycore architectures. Int. J. of High Performance Systems Architecture (to appear)
- Chawki Benchehida, Mohammed Kamel Benhaoua, Houssam-Eddine Zahaf, and Giuseppe Lipari. 2020. An analysis and simulation tool of real-time communications in on-chip networks: a comparative study. SIGBED Rev. 17, 1 (February 2020), 5–11.
- Baya Naouel Barigou, Fatiha Barigou, Chawki Benchehida, Baghdad Atmani, Ghalem Belalem, "The Design of a Cloud-based Clinical Decision Support System Prototype: Management of Drugs Intoxications in Childhood", International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, Volume 13, Issue 4, October 2018, Pages 28-48.
Conferences & Workshops
- Chawki Benchehida, Mohammed Kamel Benhaoua, Houssam-Eddine Zahaf, and Giuseppe Lipari, "Task and Communication Allocation for Real-time Tasks to Networks-on-Chip Multiprocessors," 2020 Second International Conference on Embedded & Distributed Systems (EDiS), Oran, Algeria, 2020, pp. 9-14, doi: 10.1109/EDiS49545.2020.9296446.
- Chawki Benchehida, Benhaoua Mohammed Kamel, Houssam Eddine Zahaf, Giuseppe Lipari, "An analysis and Simulation Tool of Real-Time Communications in On-Chip Networks", The Embedded Operating Systems Workshop EWiLi’19, New York, USA
- Chawki Benchehida, Benhaoua Mohammed Kamel, Houssam Eddine Zahaf, Giuseppe Lipari, "Real-time Communications in On-Chip Networks", The 12th Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing JRWRTC 2018, Poitiers, France
Chapter book
- Barigou, Baya Naouel, Fatiha Barigou, Chawki Benchehida, Baghdad Atmani, and Ghalem Belalem. "The Design of a Cloud-based Clinical Decision Support System Prototype: Management of Drugs Intoxications in Childhood." In Research Anthology on Decision Support Systems and Decision Management in Healthcare, Business, and Engineering, pp. 387-409. IGI Global, 2021.
Prima Watermed 4.0 (H2020)
- Involved in the development of a hypervisor of Machine Learning tasks
- EDIS’2017 - Organization committee member
- EDIS’2020 - Organization committee member
- Sub-reviewer in EDIS’2020
- International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture (IJHPSA)
- A Network-on-Chip simulator for real-time communicating tasks
- Link :
Year | Name | Type | Level | Duration |
2021/2022 | Informatique 1 | TP | BUT 1 | XX hours |
2021/2022 | Automatisme | TD/TP | BUT 1 | XX hours |
2021/2022 | Programmation orientée objet | TD/TP | DUT 2 | XX hours |
2021/2022 | Programmation embarquée et système d'exploitation | TD/TP | DUT 2 | XX hours |
2021/2022 | Système temps-réel | TP | LP SEICOM | XX hours |